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2023-07-17 News Events Annual General Meeting

Oceans Network Annual General Meeting (AGM)

OCEANS Network held her Annual General Meeting in Vienna, Austria, at Andaz Vienna AM Belvedere Hotel, from July 01-02,2023

Donaldson Chima Ofoha

The OCEANS Network Annual General Meeting which had in attendance online and onsite network members, who participated from across the world, was a memorable, exciting, enriching and a life time event.

The OCEANS Network Annual General Meeting began on day one morning with a welcome to OCEANS AGM 2023, overview of agenda and an introduction of the OCEANS Board Members. This was followed with a presentation and updates from the European Commission, presentation of OCEANS Annual Work Plan, presentation of the Proposed Statutes, presentation on the National Representation Information and a share your story experience of Erasmus+ Mobility. Day one continued with an overview and presentation of successfully completed OCEANS ESAA led Projects and a presentation by the Service Provider. Day one also featured a group photo, a team building treasure hunt activity and wrapped up with a cultural dinner for all participants including external guest.

The event continued on day two with an overview of agenda, OCEANS brainstorming which allowed participants to choose break out rooms to join during the workshop sessions which featured breakout rooms. There was sharing and discussions of findings from the sessions. The OCEANS Annual General Meeting, 2023, came to an end with a closing remark from the President on behalf of the OCEANS Network Board, thanking everyone who participated and contributed to the success of the 2023, OCEANS Annual General Meeting.


Donaldson Chima Ofoha

Nigeria, Enugu, 6th of July, 2023



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